Information about one monk:
Fr. Columba Kelly's (1930 – 2018) life's work as a Benedictine monk was music. He was professor of music at Saint Meinrad College (1964 – 1998) and choirmaster (1964 – 1978). He helped develop liturgical Latin-style chants in English in the wake of the changes resulting from Vatican II.
Born in Williamsburg, Iowa, on October 30, 1930, Fr. Columba graduated from Parnell High School (1948), attended St. Ambrose College, Davenport, Iowa (1948 – 1951), and received a BA in philosophy at Saint Meinrad Seminary (1956). He made his first profession as a monk July 31, 1953, his solemn profession August 6, 1956, and was ordained a priest at Einsiedeln Abbey in Switzerland, July 5, 1958. In Rome, Fr. Columba received the Licentiate in Sacred Theology (STL) from Sant' Anselmo (1959), and a doctoral degree in sacred music (D Mus Sac) from the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music (1963).
At Saint Meinrad, he served as prior (1978 – 1984), and since 1978 has been a visiting professor of church music in the School of Theology. He has been an adjunct professor at several colleges and has given numerous lectures over his career. Fr. Columba has composed thousands of English-language chants based upon the principles used to create the original Gregorian chants. His compositions have included antiphons, responsories, psalm tones, and other material including The Passion According to St. John, which has recently been released on CD. Fr. Columba was interviewed by Prof. Ruth C. Engs, November 14, 2005.